Last week the most amazing thing happened...
Hello! I'm just calling by to wish you a very happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow and to share two pieces of AMAZING news with you. The...

On finally reaching The End, results of my book giveaway and a plea for help!
Hello! I have so much to tell you that I don't know where to start. At the beginning, I guess! So my first big bit of news is that I have...

Win the very first copies of the new-look Riverdale books!
Hello! First of all, I want to wish you a very happy World Book Day! To celebrate, I'm holding a competition to win signed copies of the...

Coming to a bookstore near you!
Hello! I have some fantastic Riverdale news to share with you today and I hope you're going to be as excited as me. [Which might not...

Cover reveal of the new Riverdale book
Hello! I wanted to give you an update on the new Riverdale story. Because it will be available to download VERY SOON!! I finished the...

Were you a winner in my box set giveaway?
Hello! I have so much news I’m not quite sure where to start! Perhaps the biggest news of all is that on Monday I became a full-time...

How I became a publisher
I am delighted to welcome my friend and pony book expert Jane Badger to my blog today. In this guest post Jane, author of the pony book...