Autumn rides and kitten news
It's been a while since I last dropped into your inbox, and I hope you've had a good summer, wherever you are in the world.
Adrian and I had a lovely week in the Peak District with our boys before they both went back to university last month.
The weather was amazing and we went on some fantastic walks.

On one walk we passed these two gorgeous horses and I had to stop to get a photo because the piebald really reminded me of Beau in Into the Storm. What d'you think?
Once we were home from the Peak District and the boys headed back to university we thought things might be a bit quiet... but nothing could be further from the truth!
After losing our beautiful Luna in May, we'd been thinking we could offer another rescue cat a home, and when I mentioned this to the guy who runs the rescue centre we got both Luna and Amber from, he said they had a feral kitten up for rehoming and would we like to meet him.
So, off we trotted to Happy Endings Rescue, where we met Charlie, a beautiful black and white kitten who immediately stole our hearts.
Charlie and his four siblings didn't have the best of starts. They lived outside until someone managed to catch them all and take them to the rescue centre.
Even though Charlie was the boldest of the five kittens, he was still very nervous for the first few days after we took him in, but as his confidence has grown, he has turned into the sweetest, funniest, most affectionate cat.
Minstrel is less than impressed, but Amber and Charlie have become pretty good mates and spend the evenings tearing around the house chasing each other!
Here's some Charlie spam to brighten your day!
Cute, huh??!!
I love him to bits but he is a terrible distraction and has a habit of marching over my keyboard when I'm writing.
There you go, he's done it again! Oh, Charlie!
In other news, I've enjoyed some lovely rides on Dobbie this autumn. It's one of my favourite times of the year to hack out. The woods we ride through are so beautiful at the moment.
But I know I need to make the most of it, because judging by Dobbie's fluffy coat, winter is definitely on its way!
Talking about winter, did you realise it's only 62 days till Christmas? [No, neither did I until I just checked, and now I'm starting to panic!]

Anyway, if you're looking for a stocking filler for a horse-mad child, The Midnight Pony and Other Stories might just fill the bill.
This collection of three books, The Midnight Pony, Juno's Foal and The Pony of Tanglewood Farm, is perfect to curl up with on a winter's night.
I wrote the three books for six to eight-year-olds in mind, and they have proved to be a big hit with fans of Pippa Funnell, Olivia Tuffin and Clare Balding.
The collection is available as an ebook, audiobook, paperback or hardback.
The hardback is currently on sale on Amazon in the UK, and is just £9.34, a saving of £3.65 on the recommended retail price of £12.99 - and just 35p more than the paperback edition!
But do be quick as I'm not sure how long this promotion will last.
To find out more about The Midnight Pony and Other Stories, just click on the links below.
That's all from me for now. I'll be back in a month or so with more kitten and pony news.
In the meantime, let me know what you've been up to this autumn. I'd love to hear!
Happy reading,