Birthdays, audiobooks and generally horsing around
Well, it's been a busy few months here at Wills HQ, with lots of riding, walking and book business to keep me busy!
We're off on a week's holiday to North Wales soon, a highlight of which (literally!) will be a walk up Mount Snowdon.
It'll be my first big mountain walk, so I have been in training for the last few weeks, notching up as many miles as I can to improve my fitness.
I have also been riding, of course, and I shall probably wish I had Dobbie with me when my legs start to tire halfway up the mountain.
Because as we all know, four legs are ALWAYS better than two!
It was my birthday last week and to celebrate, Mr Wills whisked me up to London for the night.
We had a fab time exploring lots of places we'd never been before, including Little Venice, Seven Dials, Leadenhall, Borough Market and the Sky Garden.
But, as ever, horses were never far from my mind, and look what I found down this pretty little mews - a riding school right in the heart of the city. Just fantastic!
Another reason to celebrate my birthday was the publication of the audiobook of Against all Hope, the second book in the Riverdale Pony Stories.
My wonderful narrator, Danielle Cohen, has once again been working her magic in the sound booth, this time bringing the story of Hope Taylor and her mum Shelley to life.

Here's the blurb if you're wondering what it's all about:
Cloud is back at Riverdale, but a visit to the vet brings some unwelcome news for eleven-year-old Poppy McKeever.
Her beloved pony has broken a bone in his foot and may never be sound enough to ride.
As she nurses him back to full strength a mysterious girl moves into the village.
Hope Taylor's life hangs in the balance, and Poppy and her best friend Scarlett vow to do everything they can to give her a fighting chance.
But the more Poppy gets to know Hope and her mum Shelley, the more she wonders if there is more to Hope's story than the pair are letting on.
Before she can confront them, Cloud falls gravely ill. And Poppy faces the toughest night of her life as she battles to save the pony of her dreams.
If you'd like to listen to the sample, just click this link and it'll take you straight to the book's page on Audible.
That's all from me for now. I hope you're having a fantastic summer, full of fun, happiness, and - of course - horses!
Happy reading,
Amanda x