There's still time to win signed copies of the Mill Farm Stables books!
Have you entered the draw to win the two books in the Mill Farm Stables series?

If not don't worry - there is still time to take part!
I'm offering one reader in the UK a chance to win signed paperback copies of The Thirteenth Horse and its sequel, Trophy Horse.
For readers outside the UK there will be ebooks of the two books up for grabs.

I know I'm probably best known for the Riverdale stories, but I am very proud of the two Mill Farm Stables books.
Heroine Kristy Moore is like many of us - stony broke and pony mad. But her life changes for the better when she lands a job at Mill Farm Stables and meets Cassius, a mysterious black Percheron.
Together she, Cassius and her friends Norah, William and Sofia, enter the world of musical quadrilles.
Although it's something I've never had a chance to try myself, writing the books gave me the perfect excuse to research musical rides and I had great fun designing my own routines!
If you'd like to find out more about the books, just click on The Thirteenth Horse or Trophy Horse.
If you enjoy the Riverdale books, I know you'll love reading about Kristy, Cassius and their two and four-legged friends!
That's all from me for now.
Speak soon and, in the meantime, good luck and happy reading!
Amanda x