The latest Riverdale book is coming soon!
Hello! I have some exciting news to share today - I can finally reveal the title of the latest Riverdale book! And here it is!

Last time I wrote I told you I was hoping for a May release. Things have gone well and with any luck I might actually beat my deadline (there's a first time for everything!). Anyway, I am now hoping it'll be published before the end of April. The Hunt for the Golden Horse is the seventh Riverdale adventure. It's been 14 months since the last book in the series, Missing on the Moor, was published, so we are long overdue a catch up with Poppy, Cloud and their friends. I actually started this book in March 2017, put it to one side to write The Thirteenth Horse, picked it up again in August 2017, abandoned it again to write Trophy Horse, and then picked it back up this February. Since then I have been holed up in my writer's cave (a corner of our dining room). And this time I was determined not to get sidetracked with another writing project. So what's it about, I hear you ask. Here's the blurb...

There are a few new characters to meet along the way, not least the beautiful Arabian stallion Fearless Flight.
One of the best things about writing pony books is being able to dream up new equine characters. In my head he looks a lot like this...
What a beautiful horse. I had lots of fun scrolling through hundreds of horsey photos looking for the perfect image.
In other news Dobbie and I have enjoyed some lovely hacks along the lanes and bridleways around his stables. Last Friday we rode through a field of cows and I was a bit worried when they decided to follow us! But Dobbie was very brave. Maybe he thought they were small horses! They were certainly very inquisitive.

I reached quite a milestone the other day when The Lost Pony of Riverdale notched up its 1,000th rating on Goodreads. Some of the ratings are one or two star, and I don't mind that at all - my books are never going to be everyone's cup of tea - but more than 600 of them are five star and the average rating is 4.28. The important thing is that people are reading it, and that's what keeps me writing. There are moments along this strange author journey that I'll always treasure, and that was one of them.

Once again I'd like to thank you if you've left a rating or review.
It helps give the books visibility so more people can discover Poppy, Kristy and all their two and four-legged friends, and it really is appreciated!
That's all from me for now. I have an afternoon of editing ahead of me. I'll keep you posted on my progress and let you know when The Hunt for the Golden Horse is released. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait! Happy reading! Amanda