Horses, half-term and how I'm planning what Poppy did next
Hello! I have so much to tell you about, I don't know where to start! It's been a busy few weeks since the launch of Trophy Horse. I have plotted a completely new stand-alone title for the Scandinavian publishers who have translated six of my books into Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish. I'm still waiting to hear if they want me to go ahead and write the new book. If they do it'll probably mean a quick turnaround, which might put other plans on hold. But more of that later. Last weekend I attended a two day conference for writers, which has filled my head with dreams and schemes, which I am sure will keep me busy as winter turns into spring. The wintery weather hasn't stopped me riding though, and Dobbie and I have enjoyed some lovely hacks around the Kent countryside. Every other week I have been having jumping lessons with a fantastic instructor called Katy who has been giving me bucket-loads of confidence. I never thought I'd be jumping again after such a long break from it, but here I am!

Dobbie is brilliant at jumping - much better than me! I still get nervous - just like Poppy actually (I wonder where she gets it from!) but I get a real buzz from it. Once I'm safely back on terra firma, anyway!
Anyway, I wanted to say a big...

... to everyone who has written a review of Trophy Horse. Here's what some of you had to say:

If you have read Trophy Horse and haven't posted a review yet, it would be great if you could. Reviews don't have to be long - just a couple of lines is fine. The links to the book are below. All you need to do is scroll down to the Customer Reviews section and click 'Write a customer review'.
At the moment the UK is leading the way with five reviews, with the US in second place with four.
The book has been doing really well and was the No 1 bestseller in both the UK and US Children's Horse eBooks chart for a while!
Kristy and Cassius have even been upstaging Poppy and Cloud. I wonder what Poppy would have to say about that!
So now for some exciting news! Amazon has selected Against all Hope and Into the Storm, the second and third books in the Riverdale Pony Stories, for a special half-term offer here in the UK. They will be at the very special promotional price of 99p each until 25 February, a massive saving on the normal list price of £2.25!

What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day! To make the most of this brilliant offer, just click on the links. And don't forget to share the love and tell your friends!
So what next, I hear you ask. Well, while I wait for the publishers to come back to me about the new book, it's back to Riverdale for me. I started the seventh Riverdale adventure last year but got waylaid with Trophy Horse. But I'm going to put Kristy and Cassius to one side for a while, and spend some quality time with Poppy and Cloud. As you know, Dartmoor is one of my favourite places on earth, so I can't wait to get back to the craggy tors and wide open spaces of the moor to see what Poppy, Scarlett and their two and four-legged friends are up to. Whatever adventure awaits them, one thing I do know for sure - it's bound to be a blast. Happy reading! Amanda